10904 Bernard Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio

    Growing up on Bernard for the

      Pat/Helen McCafferty Clan


Places we knew:

§         George's: ice cream 3 cents a dip, 2 for 5         

§         Bertaud's: W. 105; pop and ice cream

§         Wilbur Wright School: baseball                       

§         W. 110th Hill:  sledding

§         Bakery at 105: poppyseed and nut bread        

§         Kresge: W. 110--glass of water and straw

§         Almira Show: 5 cents and 2 features

§         Variety and Lyric Shows: 10 cents

§         Jack's Bar: meeting place W. 110      

§         Library: 85th and Lorain

§         Baker's Bakery: date & nut bread                     

§         Sears: Saturday night shopping for dad

§         Street car barns: W. 98th                   

§         Bernard:  Street off 110

§         St. Ignatius: Elementary School & Church

§         Guardi:  shoe repair

§         West Side Market

§         Behind Sears: ball diamond

§         Goldie's: pepsi, pretzels, juke box, Stork Grill




Our House:

§         4 garages in back yard

§         Garbage cans by back field in back of garage

§         Dust chute in kitchen

§         Coal Cellar, potato cellar

§         Clothes chute off hall

§         Attic bedrooms (4)

§         Furnace, radiator registers

§         Back yard fences 

§         Front porch - up and down

§         Shoes under the davenport

§         Linen closet (for linens and whiskey)

§         Flour bin (great for hiding Easter baskets)

§         Real marble on walls of bathroom

§         Leaded glass in bookcases/dining area

§         Basement: skate around poles

§         Pull down ironing board in kitchen   Milk chute (Fr. Bob crawled through this)

§         Golden rimmed glassware in cupboard given by Aunt Clara (wedding gift)

§         Assortment of vehicles: large and small trucks, Studebaker, Packard, with running boards 

§         Yard flowers: peonies, tulips, 7-sisters roses, hollyhocks, morning glories, spirea, lilacs                                      


Individual events that happened:

§         Frank got hit in the head with a statue of Mary

§         Rose almost got decapitated when horse she was riding went into barn (she ducked!)

§         Frank getting hit by a car in front of the house  (I can still hear dad going after the driver)

§         Bob getting a doll for Christmas

§         Joe's only reading: comic books

§         Jim and Frank wrapping their guns in newspaper and going on the streetcar

§         Mary and Rose working at the playgrounds

§         Bob dressed as a girl for Halloween

§         Tom being hauled around in the little red wagon

§         John wearing braces to straighten his feet

§         Tom knowing what everyone was going to get for Christmas

§         Pat playing football in the West Side Senate

§         Pat and John having a costume party

§         Tom having a birthday party

§         Bob climbing through the milk chute when no one was home and the doors were locked

§         Tom coming home with a broken leg

§         Jim falling out of the jeep

§         The boys taking turns delivering the Plain Dealer

Some of the big events:              

§         Celebrating the Indians winning the pennant; celebrating V E day

§         Saturday night visits to the West Side Market

§         Going into Tom McAnn's and looking at your foot through the X-ray machine

§         Dad taking up collection at 5:30 mass and eating a big breakfast afterwards

§         Listening to the radio: Hermit's Cave, Radio Theater, Fibber Magee and Molly, Jake and Lena, Amos and Andy, Jack Benny, First Nighter, Grand Central Station, Tom Mix, Jack Armstrong, Little Orphan Annie...

§         Taking a streetcar to the art museum on Sundays

§         K of C Christmas party at the Hollenden Hotel

§         Summer evenings: My Father Owns a Grocery Store,  Hot beans, baseball in the street, relieval

§         Meals --boys sat down first

§         3 hour services on Good Friday

§         Menu for Christmas/Thanksgiving:  turkey, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, dry dressing and dessert

§         First Fridays-going to communion and confession

§         Oldest 5 going to camp at Kelly's Island

§         Boys serving weddings on Saturday mornings and getting paid to do so

§         Caddying in the summertime

§         Having paper drives; coming home for lunch every day; May crownings

§         Throwing water on someone when it was overtime to get them up, or telling them they were wanted on the phone

§         St. John Hospital calling to say to pick up son (didn't know which--was Tom)

§         Sunday night supper: soup and chicken

§         Fire department:

Ø       Getting the kids out who were locked in the bathroom

Ø       Kettle left on stove and burned

Ø       Fire in the dust chute

§         Getting smashed fingers getting balls out of sewers

§         Watching fireworks at Edgewater

§         Ice skating at Edgewater and also on 105th Fidelity

§         Saving candy all during lent and advent

§         First T.V (1948) Wow!

§         Dad visiting the job every Sunday morning

§         Boys going to the yard (warehouse) on Saturdays to help

§         Streetcar rides at 2 cents

§         Throwing pigeon eggs off the roof

§         Going through the field when the cops came because someone called them

§         Ringing doorbells on Valentine Day and going begging on Halloween

§         Reading the Books of Knowledge

§         Looking at plans for Edgewater House (Never built because of depression loss)

§         Children's mass every Sunday in downstairs church


§         Family Doctor--Scherz on W. 98, family Dentist--Dr. Wagner (never sent a bill)

§         Hucksters--paper rag man, ice man, egg man

§         Associates of Dad's--  Bricklayer Pete Dever, apprentice Marty Kelly, plumber Hugh Ginley and Eddie Collin

§         Neighbors--Kohler (Bud and Spud), Yaranos (Granes), Finns, Morans, Danleys, Grossers, Kline, Corrigans, Kerrigans, Chambers, Toth, Sweeney, Guenther, Conways, Malones, Lasby's and Martinko's, ...

Christmas Time

§         Tree went up on Christmas eve

§         You got to open one gift before midnight mass

§         Everyone got coal in his/her stockings

§         Someone knocking down the tree while trying out the new bike

§         Dad not home one Christmas

§         Uncle Tom coming with toys on Christmas Eve: shooting crows, hockey game, peeking out from bedroom when they were setting up things

§         Big breakfast after midnight mass

§         Playing I Spy with the ornaments

§         Putting note to Santa in Flue

§         Setting up train

§         Hanging up pillow cases instead of a stocking

§         Hiding bikes in potato cellar

§         Trying to untangle lights                   


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