Gills in the Cleveland Directory between 1845-1911.
Year Name Title Occupation Address/Notes
1845-46 Gill John carpenter 16 Bolivar St.
1853-54 Gill James ash man 42 Orange
1853-54 Gill Michael flour packer Cedar & Hudson Cleveland Mills
1856-57 Gill James laborer 42 Orange
1856-57 Gill James laborer foot of Bank
1856-57 Gill John builder 84 S. Erie
1856-57 Gill Mary Widow 66 Pittsburgh husband Samuel
1856-57 Gill Michael laborer Cedar & Hudson
1857-58 Gill Edward blacksmith 108 Bank boarder
1857-58 Gill Jacob laborer Centre n of Spruce
1857-58 Gill James laborer 42 Orange
1857-58 Gill James laborer foot of Root
1857-58 Gill John B milkman 223 Detroit
1857-58 Gill John 84 S. Erie
1857-58 Gill Michael laborer 107 S. Erie
1857-58 Gill Robert silver plater 17 Bolivar
1859-60 Gill Anna L 1330 W. 70th NW
1859-60 Gill Anna L 1330 W. 70th NW
1859-60 Gill James laborer 61 Orange
1859-60 Gill John builder 213 Erie
1859-60 Gill John mason 49 Jackson
1859-60 Gill John C. physician 213 Erie boader
1859-60 Gill Michael laborer 234 Erie
1859-60 Gill Robert silver plater 21 Bolivar
1859-60 Gill William shoemaker 101 Superior
1861-62 Gill George M laborer 24 Wadsworth
1861-62 Gill James laborer 61 Orange
1861-62 Gill John C physician 213 Erie office at 102 Seneca
1861-62 Gill John builder 213 Erie
1861-62 Gill John laborer Water Street
1861-62 Gill Michael porter 110 Cedar Oviatt's Exchange
1861-62 Gill Robert silver plater 21 Bolivar shop at 164 Ontario
1861-62 Gill William shoe maker 101 Superior
1863-64 Gill Charles H 213 Erie boarder
1863-64 Gill Henry blacksmith 56 Merchant
1863-64 Gill James carman 61 Orange
1863-64 Gill James laborer Bank Street
1863-64 Gill James laborer 394 Pittsburgh boarder
1863-64 Gill John C physician 213 Erie boarder
1863-64 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie husband John
1863-64 Gill Michael carman 110 Cedar
1863-64 Gill Robert plater 53 Huron shop at 111 Superior
1863-64 Gill William jeweler 92 Garden
1864-65 Gill Conrad brewer 204 Hamilton
1864-65 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Wilson C. & E. Railroad
1864-65 Gill James 61 Orange city express
1864-65 Gill John foreman 394 Pittsburgh Barkwill's brick yard
1864-65 Gill Mary Widow 213 Erie husband John
1864-65 Gill Robert silverplater 53 Huron
1864-65 Gill Thomas clerk 213 Erie U.S. Assessor's office
1865-66 Gill Charles clerk 53 Huron Leader office
1865-66 Gill Conrad brewer 204 Hamilton
1865-66 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Wilson
1865-66 Gill Issac laborer 29 Blair
1865-66 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1865-66 Gill James laborer 8 Washington
1865-66 Gill John C surgeon 213 Erie
1865-66 Gill John mason 50 Laurel
1865-66 Gill Martin fireman 51 Hicks
1865-66 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie husband John
1865-66 Gill Mary Widow Humboldt
1865-66 Gill Robert silverplater 53 Huron
1865-66 Gill Thomas E bookkeeper 213 Erie
1866-67 Gill Charles H 213 Erie
1866-67 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Wilson C. & E. Railroad
1866-67 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1866-67 Gill James laborer 10 Washington
1866-67 Gill John C 213 Erie Bartlett, Gill & Co.
1866-67 Gill John mason 50 Laurel
1866-67 Gill John brickmaker 18 Croton
1866-67 Gill Martin fireman Scott Nat. Mills
1866-67 Gill Robert silverplater 53 Huron
1866-67 Gill Thomas E 213 Erie shop at 150 Ontario, hats & furnishings
1867-68 Gill Austin laborer 30 Lighthouse boarder
1867-68 Gill Charles H 155 Prospect Gill & Co.
1867-68 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Wilson
1867-68 Gill George M teamster 234 Erie
1867-68 Gill Issac saloon 6 Pittsburgh extension
1867-68 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1867-68 Gill James laborer 10 Washington
1867-68 Gill John mason 50 Laurel
1867-68 Gill John brickmaker 18 Croton
1867-68 Gill Martin laborer Waverly
1867-68 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie husband John
1867-68 Gill Robert silverplater 168 Pittsburgh shop at 111 Superior
1867-68 Gill Thomas E firm 213 Erie Gill & Co.
1868-69 Gill Charles H 155 Prospect
1868-69 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1868-69 Gill James silverplater 168 Broadway shop at 111 Superior
1868-69 Gill James laborer 10 Washington
1868-69 Gill John C physician 213 Erie
1868-69 Gill John mason 201 Cedar
1868-69 Gill John paper maker 181 Croton
1868-69 Gill Martin fireman 288 Waverly
1868-69 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie
1868-69 Gill Robert silverplater 168 Broadway shop at 111 Superior
1868-69 Gill Thomas E clerk 213 Erie
1869-70 Gill Alfred silverplater 439 St. Clair boarder
1869-70 Gill Austin shoe maker Lake View house boarder
1869-70 Gill Charles H clerk 213 Erie
1869-70 Gill George M blacksmith Cemetery Newburgh
1869-70 Gill George W carpenter Cemetery Newburgh
1869-70 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1869-70 Gill James silverplater 439 St. Clair boarder
1869-70 Gill John C M.D. physician 213 Erie office at 8 Mechanics Block
1869-70 Gill John mason 205 Cedar
1869-70 Gill Martin engineer 288 Waverly
1869-70 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie husband John
1869-70 Gill Philip bricklayer 224 Broadway boarder
1869-70 Gill Robert silverplater 439 St. Clair
1869-70 Gill Thomas E bookkeeper 63 Prospect
1871-72 Gill Alfred A plater 439 St. Clair boarder
1871-72 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 213 Erie
1871-72 Gill Conrad brewer 275 Lake
1871-72 Gill Ely E harness maker "Doan, E. C." shop at Hovey's Block
1871-72 Gill Issac refiner 6 Broadway Extension
1871-72 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1871-72 Gill James silverplater 439 St. Clair boarder
1871-72 Gill James M machinist L S & M S Railroad
1871-72 Gill John physician 213 Erie office at corner Prospect & Ontario
1871-72 Gill John mason 205 Cedar
1871-72 Gill Martin engineer 288 Waverly
1871-72 Gill Robert silverplater 439 St. Clair shop at 111 Superior
1871-72 Gill Thomas E bookkeeper 65 Prospect boarder
1872-73 Gill Albert 439 St. Clair White Mnfg. Co.
1872-73 Gill Alfred silverplater 70 Erie boarder
1872-73 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 213 Erie Sturtevant & Co.
1872-73 Gill Elihu engineer 73 Wilson boarder
1872-73 Gill Issac oil refiner 6 Broadway Extension
1872-73 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1872-73 Gill James 439 St. Clair White Mnfg. Co.
1872-73 Gill James silverplater 70 Erie
1872-73 Gill John C physician 213 Erie office at 6 Prospect
1872-73 Gill John bricklayer 205 Cedar
1872-73 Gill John brickmaker 18 Croton
1872-73 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1872-73 Gill Martin engineer Hickox & Co.
1872-73 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie husband john
1872-73 Gill Robert silverplater 70 Erie shop at 113 Superior
1872-73 Gill Thomas E bookkeeper 213 Erie
1872-73 Gill Thomas E clerk 25 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1872-73 Gill Thomas clerk 25 Walnut
1873-74 Gill Alfred silverplater 70 Erie boarder
1873-74 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 35 Beech Sturtevant & Co.
1873-74 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Davenport (Wilson) L S & M S Railroad
1873-74 Gill Ely E harness maker Doan, E. C.
1873-74 Gill George W flour & feed 48 Scoville
1873-74 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1873-74 Gill James 70 Erie Robert Gill & Sons
1873-74 Gill James laborer 10 Washington
1873-74 Gill John C physician 20 Bolivar office at 6 Prospect
1873-74 Gill John brickmason 205 Cedar
1873-74 Gill John fireman 75 Davenport (Wilson) L S & M S Railroad
1873-74 Gill John fireman 10 Minnesota boarder
1873-74 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1873-74 Gill Martin engineer Cleveland Mills
1873-74 Gill Michael painter Cleveland Bridge & Car Works
1873-74 Gill Patrick laborer 366 Hamilton boarder
1873-74 Gill Robert 70 Erie Robert Gill & Sons
1873-74 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1873-74 Gill William laborer 64 Jackson boarder
1874-75 Gill Alfred silverplater 70 Erie Robert Gill & Sons
1874-75 Gill Austin puller out Newburgh C. Roll & Mill Co.
1874-75 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 351 Beech Sturtevant & Co.
1874-75 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 536 1/2 Euclid
1874-75 Gill George laborer Cemetery nr Marble Newburgh
1874-75 Gill George W grocer Cemetery nr Burke Newburgh
1874-75 Gill George M teamster 42 Scoville
1874-75 Gill Issac stillman Broadway nr Union
1874-75 Gill James expressman 61 Orange
1874-75 Gill James silverplater 70 Erie Robert Gill & Sons
1874-75 Gill John C physician 20 Bolivar office at 130 Ontario
1874-75 Gill John I grocer 61 Orange store at 2 Croton
1874-75 Gill John T mason 205 Cedar
1874-75 Gill John mason 205 Cedar
1874-75 Gill John W machinist 42 Scoville White Mnfg. Co.
1874-75 Gill John carpenter 51 Grant boarder
1874-75 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1874-75 Gill Martin fireman Cleveland Mills
1874-75 Gill Mary A Widow 213 Erie
1874-75 Gill Mitchell ship carpenter Udall House boarder
1874-75 Gill Nicholas 106 Oregon
1874-75 Gill Philip bricklayer 478 Sterling
1874-75 Gill Robert silverplater 70 Erie shop at 169 Seneca
1874-75 Gill Robert E plumber 70 Erie
1874-75 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1874-75 Gill Thomas laborer 16 Winslow
1874-75 Gill William laborer 288 Waverly
1875-76 Gill Albert J hooker 1948 Cemetery 18th ward
1875-76 Gill Austin 2093 Harris Cleveland Roll Mill
1875-76 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave Sturtevant & Co.
1875-76 Gill Edward laborer 22 Lorain W. S. Craine & Co.
1875-76 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1875-76 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1219 Euclid (old no. 536 1/2)
1875-76 Gill George laborer 1948 Cemetery 18th ward
1875-76 Gill George W grocer 1948 Cemetery 18th ward
1875-76 Gill George M drayman 42 Scoville
1875-76 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1875-76 Gill James grocer 318 Detroit
1875-76 Gill John C Dr physician 20 Bolivar office at 146 Ontario
1875-76 Gill John J grocer 61 Orange store at 2 Croton
1875-76 Gill John stone mason 205 Cedar
1875-76 Gill John W fireman 316 Lake L S & M S Railroad
1875-76 Gill John carpenter 51 Grant boarder
1875-76 Gill John hooker Cleveland Roll Mill
1875-76 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1875-76 Gill Philip bricklayer 35 1/2 Maple
1875-76 Gill Robert silverplater 70 Erie shop at 169 Seneca
1875-76 Gill Robert E plumber 70 Erie B. P. Bower
1875-76 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1875-76 Gill Thomas laborer 22 Lorain bet. Hurd & Hicks
1875-76 Gill William help heater 1762 Union Cleveland Roll Mill
1876-77 Gill Albert J 1948 Cemetery Cleveland Roll Mill
1876-77 Gill Austin 2093 Harris Cleveland Roll Mill
1876-77 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave Sturtevant & Co.
1876-77 Gill Edward laborer 53 Lorain (rear) W. S. Craine & Co.
1876-77 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Lake L S & M S Railroad
1876-77 Gill Ellen E Miss teacher 272 Scovill Mayflower school
1876-77 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1219 Euclid
1876-77 Gill George laborer 1948 Cemetery 18th ward
1876-77 Gill George W grocer 1946 Cemetery 18th ward
1876-77 Gill George M 2370 Centre 18th ward
1876-77 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1876-77 Gill James saloon 318 Detroit
1876-77 Gill James ropemaker Lake Shore Foundry
1876-77 Gill James sexton Orange nr. Perry Bible Christian Church
1876-77 Gill John C Dr physician 20 Bolivar office at 146 Ontario
1876-77 Gill John I grocer 61 Orange store at 2 Croton
1876-77 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1876-77 Gill John fireman 139 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1876-77 Gill John P mason 56 Grant boarder
1876-77 Gill John carpenter 51 Grant boarder
1876-77 Gill John laborer 64 Jackson boarder
1876-77 Gill Joseph laborer Lake Shore Foundry
1876-77 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1876-77 Gill Michael laborer U. Frt depot
1876-77 Gill Michael laborer 2444 Main
1876-77 Gill Philip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1876-77 Gill Robert silverplater 113 Bolivar shop at 169 Seneca
1876-77 Gill Robert E plumber 113 Bolivar
1876-77 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1876-77 Gill Thomas laborer 53 Lorain
1876-77 Gill William 1766 Union Cleveland Roll Mill
1877-78 Gill Albert J laborer 1948 Axtell boarder
1877-78 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1877-78 Gill C. B engineer 75 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1877-78 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1877-78 Gill Edward miller 28 Terrace W. S. Craine & Co.
1877-78 Gill Elihu engineer 75 Davenport boarder
1877-78 Gill Ellen E Miss teacher 272 Scovill Mayflower school
1877-78 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1948 Euclid
1877-78 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1877-78 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1877-78 Gill George M laborer 42 1/2 Scovill
1877-78 Gill George M foreman 42 1/2 Scovill
1877-78 Gill Isaac laborer Fleet nr. Brecksville Rd.
1877-78 Gill James expressman 61 Orange
1877-78 Gill James saloon 318 Detroit
1877-78 Gill John C Dr physician 20 Bolivar
1877-78 Gill John I salesman 61 Orange W. P. Southworth & Co.
1877-78 Gill John T contractor 272 Scovill
1877-78 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1877-78 Gill John fireman 132 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1877-78 Gill John P mason 56 Grant boarder
1877-78 Gill John machinist 42 1/2 Scovill White S. M. Co.
1877-78 Gill Joseph laborer Lake Shore Foundry
1877-78 Gill Lewis engineer 125 St. Clair Iron Clad Paint Co.
1877-78 Gill Martin laborer 288 Waverly
1877-78 Gill Mary A Widow 50 Bolivar husband John
1877-78 Gill Patrick helper Cleveland Roll Mill
1877-78 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1877-78 Gill Robert silverplater 113 Bolivar shop at 169 Seneca
1877-78 Gill Robert E plumber 113 Bolivar Robert Gill Co.
1877-78 Gill Robert blacksmith 52 Mechanic Cleveland Spring Co.
1877-78 Gill Thomas E cashier 679 Case Ave Mercantile Ins. Co.
1877-78 Gill Thomas laborer 28 Terrace
1877-78 Gill W. J laborer 1766 Worley
1878-79 Gill Albert J laborer 1948 Axtell
1878-79 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1878-79 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1878-79 Gill Charles painter A. & W. Kyle
1878-79 Gill Edward laborer W. S. Craine & Co.
1878-79 Gill Elihu B engineer 75 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1878-79 Gill Ellen E Miss teacher Mayflower school
1878-79 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1948 Euclid
1878-79 Gill George laborer 1948 Axtell
1878-79 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1878-79 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1878-79 Gill James saloon 318 Detroit
1878-79 Gill John C Dr physician 20 Bolivar Euclid
1878-79 Gill John I 61 Orange Gill & Willner, 131 Woodland
1878-79 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1878-79 Gill John T mason 272 Scovill
1878-79 Gill John engineer 132 Davenport L S & M S Shops
1878-79 Gill John laborer White S. M. Co.
1878-79 Gill John bricklayer 569 Woodland
1878-79 Gill John laborer Cleveland Roll Mill
1878-79 Gill John laborer Peter Cullen
1878-79 Gill Martin laborer 154 Vermont
1878-79 Gill Mary A Widow 50 Bolivar husband John
1878-79 Gill Michael brass molder Cleveland Non-Exp Lamp Co.
1878-79 Gill Philip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1878-79 Gill Robert gold & silverplater 113 Bolivar shop at 169 Seneca
1878-79 Gill Robert E plumber& gas fitter 113 Bolivar Robert Gill Co.
1878-79 Gill Robert blacksmith 157 Herman Cleveland Spring Co.
1878-79 Gill Rosa Mrs. 20 Vermont
1878-79 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1878-79 Gill William J helper 1766 Worley
1879-80 Gill A. E Miss teacher 272 Scovill Mayflower school
1879-80 Gill Albert J machinist 1948 Axtell
1879-80 Gill Annie Miss laundress Cleveland Asylum for the Insane
1879-80 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1879-80 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1879-80 Gill Conrad saloon 275 Lake
1879-80 Gill Ebenezer printer 133 Lake
1879-80 Gill Edward engineer 9 Division
1879-80 Gill Elihu B engineer 132 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1879-80 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1879-80 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1879-80 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1879-80 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1879-80 Gill James laborer 318 Detroit
1879-80 Gill James ropemaker Lake Shore Foundry
1879-80 Gill John C Dr physician 20 Bolivar
1879-80 Gill John I 61 Orange Gill & Willner
1879-80 Gill John 1938 Axtell
1879-80 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1879-80 Gill John T mason 272 Scovill
1879-80 Gill John W fireman 132 Davenport L S & M S Railroad
1879-80 Gill John W machinist 435 Sterling boarder
1879-80 Gill John W engineer 216 Oregon
1879-80 Gill John 13 Croton
1879-80 Gill John brickmaker 219 Petrie
1879-80 Gill Joseph laborer Lake Shore Foundry
1879-80 Gill M. painter Cleve B. & Car Co.
1879-80 Gill Martin laborer 147 Vermont
1879-80 Gill Mary A Widow 1051 Wilson Ave husband John
1879-80 Gill Michael molder C. N. E. Lamp Co.
1879-80 Gill Nellie E teacher Mayflower school
1879-80 Gill Nicholas laborer U. Frt depot
1879-80 Gill Philip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1879-80 Gill Robert nickel plater 357 Perry shop at 169 Seneca
1879-80 Gill Robert E plumber 357 Perry Robert Gill Co.
1879-80 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 1/2 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1879-80 Gill William J helper 1766 Worley
1880-81 Gill Annie Miss Clinton Hotel
1880-81 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1880-81 Gill Charles H superintendent 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1880-81 Gill Edward laborer Eclipse Iron Works
1880-81 Gill Elihu B engineer 75 Davenport boarder
1880-81 Gill Ellen teacher 272 Scovill
1880-81 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1880-81 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1880-81 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1880-81 Gill George M truckman 42 Scoville
1880-81 Gill Isaac laborer 1635 Fleet
1880-81 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1880-81 Gill James laborer 318 Detroit
1880-81 Gill James fireman 483 Lake boarder
1880-81 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1880-81 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1880-81 Gill John T clerk 272 Scovill
1880-81 Gill John engineer 132 Davenport
1880-81 Gill John W machinist 435 Sterling boarder
1880-81 Gill John W engineer 216 Oregon
1880-81 Gill John engineer 1983 Harvard
1880-81 Gill Maggie Miss chambermaid Clinton Hotel
1880-81 Gill Martin laborer 131 Vermont
1880-81 Gill Mary A Widow 1051 Wilson Ave husband John
1880-81 Gill Mary E domestic George C. Hickox
1880-81 Gill Michael brassmolder 9 Division
1880-81 Gill Michael painter Cleve B. & Car Wks
1880-81 Gill Nellie E teacher Mayflower school
1880-81 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1880-81 Gill Robert plater 301 Perry shop at 165 Seneca
1880-81 Gill Robert E plumber 301 Perry shop at 165 Seneca
1880-81 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 1/2 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1880-81 Gill Thomas laborer 9 Division U. Frt depot
1880-81 Gill William J laborer 1766 Worley
1881-82 Gill Albert J engineer 1948 Axtell
1881-82 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1881-82 Gill Bridget Miss servant Striebinger House
1881-82 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1881-82 Gill Edward engineer 25 Washington
1881-82 Gill Elihu B engineer 440 Lake boarder
1881-82 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1881-82 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1881-82 Gill Isaac engineer 1635 Fleet
1881-82 Gill J. P bookkeeper 52 Linden
1881-82 Gill J. I Rockport Lake Erie Dryer Co.
1881-82 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1881-82 Gill James M machinist L. S. & M. S. shops
1881-82 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1881-82 Gill John 1938 Axtell
1881-82 Gill John 272 Scovill Lake Erie Dryer Co.
1881-82 Gill John T mason 272 Scovill
1881-82 Gill John W machinist 42 Scoville boarder
1881-82 Gill John W engineer 216 Oregon
1881-82 Gill John brickmaker 63 Central boarder
1881-82 Gill Joseph engineer Lake Shore Foundry
1881-82 Gill Joseph machinist 85 Michigan boarder
1881-82 Gill Martin laborer 282 Hamilton
1881-82 Gill Mary A Widow 1051 Wilson Ave husband John
1881-82 Gill Michael truckman 9 Division
1881-82 Gill Nellie Miss teacher 272 Scovill Mayflower school
1881-82 Gill Philip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1881-82 Gill Robert plumber 301 Ontario shop at 165 Seneca
1881-82 Gill Robert E plater 301 Ontario shop at 165 Seneca
1881-82 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 1/2 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1881-82 Gill Thomas laborer 25 Washington
1881-82 Gill William J hammerer 1766 Worley
1882-83 Gill Albert foreman 440 Aaron
1882-83 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1882-83 Gill Charles H bookkeeper 1055 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1882-83 Gill Elihu B engineer 119 Davenport
1882-83 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1882-83 Gill George W grocer 1946 Axtell
1882-83 Gill George M 42 Scoville
1882-83 Gill Isaac laborer 1635 Fleet
1882-83 Gill J. W superintendent 298 Broadway
1882-83 Gill James teamster 61 Orange
1882-83 Gill James laborer 1635 Fleet
1882-83 Gill James laborer 964 Detroit
1882-83 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1882-83 Gill John 272 Scovill Lake Erie Dryer Co.
1882-83 Gill John T brickmason 272 Scovill
1882-83 Gill John P bricklayer 22 Dike
1882-83 Gill John W machinist 42 Scoville
1882-83 Gill John W engineer 216 Oregon
1882-83 Gill John I 220 Broadway Lake Erie Dryer Co.
1882-83 Gill John W foreman 406 Broadway
1882-83 Gill John laborer 58 Croton boarder
1882-83 Gill Mary A Widow 1051 Wilson Ave husband John
1882-83 Gill Nellie Miss teacher 272 Scovill Mayflower school
1882-83 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1882-83 Gill Robert gold & silverplater 301 Perry shop at 361 Bond
1882-83 Gill Robert E plumber & gas fitter 301 Perry shop at 361 Bond
1882-83 Gill Rose Mrs. 104 Spruce
1882-83 Gill Seth C piano tuner Cypress & 5th
1882-83 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 1/2 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1882-83 Gill Thomas laborer 318 Detroit
1882-83 Gill William J clerk Fleet nr Brecksville G. W. Gill
1883-84 Gill Albert J boiler tender 432 1/2 Aaron
1883-84 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1883-84 Gill Charles H sec. 1376 Willson Ave I. Sturtevant & Co.
1883-84 Gill Elihu B engineer 119 Davenport
1883-84 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1883-84 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1883-84 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1883-84 Gill George M 42 Scoville
1883-84 Gill Isaac stillman 1635 Fleet
1883-84 Gill James teamster 96 Orange
1883-84 Gill James shipping agent 1635 Fleet
1883-84 Gill James laborer 478 Lake boarder
1883-84 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1883-84 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1883-84 Gill John T contractor 272 Scovill
1883-84 Gill John P bricklayer 22 Dike
1883-84 Gill John W machinist 42 Scoville boarder
1883-84 Gill John contractor 37 New
1883-84 Gill John I 43 Church
1883-84 Gill John mkr Linton
1883-84 Gill Martin laborer 131 Vermont
1883-84 Gill Mary A Widow 1051 Wilson Ave husband John
1883-84 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1883-84 Gill Robert gold & silverplater 301 Perry shop at 361 Bond
1883-84 Gill Robert E 301 Perry Gill & Myers
1883-84 Gill Seth C piano tuner 270 Outhwaite
1883-84 Gill Thomas E cashier 25 1/2 Walnut Mercantile Ins. Co.
1883-84 Gill Thomas 54 Hanover
1883-84 Gill Thomas molder 7 Hicks boarder
1883-84 Gill William J 1612 Fleet Gill & McNickle
1884-85 Gill Austin laborer 2093 Reno
1884-85 Gill Charles H sec. 1376 Willson Ave Sturtevant Lumber Co.
1884-85 Gill Ely E harness maker 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1884-85 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1884-85 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell groceries & provisions
1884-85 Gill George M laborer 42 Scoville
1884-85 Gill H. A engineer 912 Superior
1884-85 Gill Henry clerk 1948 Axtell
1884-85 Gill Henry Z Dr. 357 Prospect
1884-85 Gill Isaac stillman 1635 Fleet
1884-85 Gill James expressman 96 Orange
1884-85 Gill James shipping agent 1635 Fleet
1884-85 Gill James fireman 455 Lake boarder
1884-85 Gill James laborer 525 Detroit
1884-85 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1884-85 Gill John I 96 Orange
1884-85 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1884-85 Gill John T contractor 272 Scovill
1884-85 Gill John P bricklayer 22 Dike
1884-85 Gill John W machinist 42 Scoville
1884-85 Gill John laborer 157 23d Ave (W. Washington)
1884-85 Gill John laborer 29 Linton
1884-85 Gill John W contractor 33 Beech
1884-85 Gill Josie attendant Insane Asylum
1884-85 Gill Martin laborer 161 Davenport
1884-85 Gill Mary A Widow 1037 Willson Ave husband John
1884-85 Gill Philip bricklayer 80 Brooker
1884-85 Gill Robert foreman 301 Perry Gill & Myers
1884-85 Gill Robert E 301 Perry Gill & Myers (Manufacturers Gas Fixtures)
1884-85 Gill Seth C piano tuner 270 Outhwaite
1884-85 Gill Thomas E asst. sec. 76 Huron Mercantile Ins. Co.
1884-85 Gill Thomas molder 157 23d Ave
1884-85 Gill William J shoes 1612 Fleet Gill & McNickle (shoes)
1885-86 Gill Austin laborer 2095 Reno
1885-86 Gill Charles H sec. 1376 Willson Ave Sturtevant Lumber Co.
1885-86 Gill Elihu B engineer 119 Davenport
1885-86 Gill Ely E harness mnfr. 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1885-86 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1885-86 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell groceries & provisions
1885-86 Gill Henry clerk 1946 Axtell
1885-86 Gill Henry Z Dr. 1216 Willson Ave office at 19 Euclid
1885-86 Gill Honora domestic Henry C. Ellison
1885-86 Gill Isaac laborer 1635 Fleet
1885-86 Gill Jacob machinist 112 1/2 Lawrence
1885-86 Gill James teamster 96 Orange
1885-86 Gill James laborer 1635 Fleet
1885-86 Gill James switchman 311 St. Clair
1885-86 Gill James fireman 454 Lake
1885-86 Gill James laborer 525 Detroit
1885-86 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1885-86 Gill John I grocer 130 Bolivar store at 328 Prospect
1885-86 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1885-86 Gill John T mason 272 Scovill
1885-86 Gill John P letter carrier 22 Dike
1885-86 Gill John retired 157 23d Ave (W. Washington)
1885-86 Gill John W contractor 180 Beech
1885-86 Gill John laborer 27 Linton
1885-86 Gill John polisher G. W. Clough
1885-86 Gill Martin laborer 487 Lake
1885-86 Gill Mary A Widow 1370 Willson Ave husband John
1885-86 Gill Mary domestic J. W. Gillerman (Lake Shore Oil)
1885-86 Gill Nellie Widow 110 Bridge husband James B.
1885-86 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1885-86 Gill Robert plater 272 Perry
1885-86 Gill Robert E manager 521 Kennard Cleveland Gas Fixture Mnfy.
1885-86 Gill Sarah housekeeper Richard Donovan
1885-86 Gill Seth C piano tuner 1199 Lincoln Ave
1885-86 Gill Thomas E asst. sec. 76 Huron Mercantile Ins. Co.
1885-86 Gill Thomas molder 157 23d Ave
1885-86 Gill William J shoes 1612 Fleet Gill & McNickle (shoes) 2320 Broadway
1886-87 Gill Albert J machinist 247 Aaron
1886-87 Gill Austin laborer 256 Columbus
1886-87 Gill Charles H sec. 1376 Willson Ave Sturtevant Lumber Co.
1886-87 Gill Elihu B engineer 129 Davenport
1886-87 Gill Ely E harness mnfr. 939 Doan shop at 1944 Euclid
1886-87 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1886-87 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1886-87 Gill Henry deliverer 1948 Axtell
1886-87 Gill Henry Z Dr. 1216 Willson Ave
1886-87 Gill Isaac steelman 1635 Fleet
1886-87 Gill James 96 Orange Gill & Co.
1886-87 Gill James A clerk 1635 Fleet
1886-87 Gill James switchman 309 St. Clair
1886-87 Gill James laborer 525 Detroit
1886-87 Gill John C Dr physician 134 Arlington office at 148 Ontario
1886-87 Gill John I 130 Bolivar Gill & Co. Grocers (328 Prospect)
1886-87 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1886-87 Gill John P letter carrier 22 Dike
1886-87 Gill John W polisher 42 Scoville
1886-87 Gill John T contractor 1035 First Ave
1886-87 Gill John laborer 157 23d Ave
1886-87 Gill John W contractor 180 Beech
1886-87 Gill John brickmaker 29 Linton
1886-87 Gill Lizzie domestic Dominic Sweeney
1886-87 Gill Martin laborer 187 Lake
1886-87 Gill Mary A Widow 1370 Willson Ave husband John
1886-87 Gill Nellie Widow 255 Garden husband James B.
1886-87 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1886-87 Gill Robert gold & silver plater 158 Ohio 361 Bond
1886-87 Gill Robert E supt. 13 Sanford Cleveland Gas Fixture Mnfy.
1886-87 Gill Seth C piano tuner 1199 Lincoln Ave
1886-87 Gill Thomas E asst. sec. 955 Prospect Mercantile Ins. Co.
1886-87 Gill Thomas molder 157 23d Ave
1886-87 Gill William J shoes 1612 Fleet Gill & McNickle (shoes) 2320 Broadway
1886-87 Gill William laborer 157 23d Ave
1887-88 Gill Albert J engineer 88 Star Ave
1887-88 Gill Austin laborer 96 Franklin Ave
1887-88 Gill Bridget Miss domestic 16 Walnut
1887-88 Gill Charles H sec. 1376 Willson Ave Sturtevant Lumber Co.
1887-88 Gill Elihu B engineer 137 1/2 Davenport
1887-88 Gill Ellen Mrs 18 Root
1887-88 Gill Ely E 939 Doan Kirby & Gill
1887-88 Gill George 1948 Axtell
1887-88 Gill George W grocer 1952 Axtell store at 1946 Axtell
1887-88 Gill George M 42 Scoville
1887-88 Gill Henry H clerk 1948 Axtell
1887-88 Gill Isaac stillman 1635 Fleet
1887-88 Gill James 96 Orange Gill & Co.
1887-88 Gill James A painter 1635 Fleet
1887-88 Gill James M machinist 1057 Superior
1887-88 Gill James switchman 306 Lake
1887-88 Gill James laborer 525 Detroit
1887-88 Gill John C Dr physician 434 Kennard office at 148 Ontario
1887-88 Gill John I 96 Orange Gill & Co. Grocers (328 Prospect)
1887-88 Gill John contractor 272 Scovill
1887-88 Gill John P letter carrier 22 Dike
1887-88 Gill John W silver plater 42 Scoville
1887-88 Gill John laborer 54 Center
1887-88 Gill John T contractor 1035 First Ave
1887-88 Gill John laborer 157 23d Ave
1887-88 Gill John laborer 177 Washington boarder
1887-88 Gill John W railroad contractor 180 Beech
1887-88 Gill John shearmaker 71 Rockwell boarder
1887-88 Gill John foreman Linton nw end
1887-88 Gill Kermode mason 272 Scovill
1887-88 Gill Mary A Widow 1370 Willson Ave husband John
1887-88 Gill Nellie Widow 145 Root husband James B.
1887-88 Gill Peter laborer 56 Center boarder
1887-88 Gill Philip mason 80 Brooker
1887-88 Gill Robert plater 158 Ohio 373 1/2 Superior
1887-88 Gill Robert E supt. 13 Sanford Cleveland Gas Fixture Mnfy.
1887-88 Gill Seth C piano tuner 1199 Lincoln Ave
1887-88 Gill Thomas E asst. sec. 240 Beech Mercantile Ins. Co.
1887-88 Gill Thomas molder 157 23d Ave
1887-88 Gill Thomas laborer 525 Detroit
1887-88 Gill Thomas dock master Cleveland Dry Dock Co.
1887-88 Gill Thomas W conductor 97 1/2 Professor
1887-88 Gill William J shoes 1612 Fleet Gill & McNickle (shoes) 2320 Broadway
1887-88 Gill William laborer 157 23d Ave
1887-88 Gill William J bookkeeper 404 Detroit boarder
1888-89 Albert J engineer 88 Star Ave
1895-96 Gill Albert H pharmacist 80 Brooker ave.
1895-96 Gill Annie L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1895-96 Gill Ara E repairer 53 Beechwood
1895-96 Gill Austin Engineer 52 Hermann
1895-96 Gill Charles H sec. 2105 Euclid Ave. The Sturtevant Lumber Co.
1895-96 Gill Elizabeth Mrs. 13 Nicola
1895-96 Gill Ely E harnessmaker 55 Halsey shop at 807 Doan
1895-96 Gill Francis steward 23 Superior
1895-96 Gill Frank M engineer 756 Logan Ave
1895-96 Gill George M 194 Scovill Ave
1895-96 Gill George W 1952 Axtell Martin & Gill
1895-96 Gill Harlan P grocer 207 Edwards Ave Gill Bros.
1895-96 Gill Isaac retired 469 Fleet
1895-96 Gill James J towerman 68 Lindus
1895-96 Gill James J fireman 172 Alanson
1895-96 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1895-96 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1895-96 Gill John T 1085 First Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1895-96 Gill John P mail carrier 161 Hawthorne Ave
1895-96 Gill John II travel agent 1270 Slater
1895-96 Gill John S grocer 207 Edwards Ave
1895-96 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1895-96 Gill John laborer 28 Herschner
1895-96 Gill John B auctioneer 431 1/2 Erie
1895-96 Gill John S Painesville, Oh Gill Bros.
1895-96 Gill Joseph clerk 52 Hermann
1895-96 Gill Joseph J general manager 39 Wade Bldg Newport Mining Co.
1895-96 Gill K. E 786 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1895-96 Gill Kittie M Miss clerk 1952 Axtell
1895-96 Gill Mamie A Miss stenographer 52 Hermann
1895-96 Gill Martin laborer 103 Stone
1895-96 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1895-96 Gill Mary Miss domestic 166 Kennard
1895-96 Gill Mona E Miss dressmaker 80 Brooker ave.
1895-96 Gill Norah Miss cook 823 Superior
1895-96 Gill Peter laborer 97 Pearl
1895-96 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker ave.
1895-96 Gill Robert plater 25 Cheshire
1895-96 Gill Robert E president Kennard Cleve Gas & Electric Fixture Co.
1895-96 Gill Sarah 25 Race
1895-96 Gill Seth C piano tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1895-96 Gill Thomas J laborer 44 Alger
1895-96 Gill Thomas W conductor 42 Merchant Ave
1895-96 Gill Thomas molder 157 23rd Ave
1895-96 Gill William R sec. 1030 Cedar Ave Fox Lake Coal Co.
1895-96 Gill William J shoemaker 432 Fleet shop at 232 Broadway
1895-96 Gill William molder 240 23rd ave
1897-98 Gill Albert H druggist 80 Brooker ave.
1897-98 Gill Anna L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1897-98 Gill Ara E machinist 91 Bell Ave
1897-98 Gill Austin Engineer 52 Hermann
1897-98 Gill Bridget domestic 16 Walnut
1897-98 Gill Charles Q 955 Prospect
1897-98 Gill Charles H sec. 955 Prospect The Sturtevant Lumber Co. 500 Senaca
1897-98 Gill Ellen laundress 16 Walnut
1897-98 Gill Ely E harnessmaker 48 Collins Pl shop at 807 1/2 Doan
1897-98 Gill George W 1952 Axtell Martin & Gill 2318 Broadway
1897-98 Gill Isaac stillman 469 Fleet
1897-98 Gill James J towerman 120 Lindus
1897-98 Gill James laborer 97 Pearl
1897-98 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1897-98 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1897-98 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1897-98 Gill John T 322 The Cuyahoga Bldg John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1897-98 Gill John P mail carrier 161 Hawthorne Ave
1897-98 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1897-98 Gill John screw operator 133 Belden
1897-98 Gill John foreman 177 Washington
1897-98 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1897-98 Gill John W clerk 317 Huron
1897-98 Gill Joseph F clerk 52 Hermann
1897-98 Gill Joseph J general manager 39 Wade Bldg Newport Mining Co.
1897-98 Gill Josephine E Widow 955 Prospect husband Thomas E.
1897-98 Gill K. E 786 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1897-98 Gill Mamie A Miss stenographer 52 Hermann
1897-98 Gill Martha A Miss teacher dancing 25 Cheshire
1897-98 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1897-98 Gill Minnie Widow 10 Hamlet husband John
1897-98 Gill Mona E Miss dressmaker 80 Brooker ave.
1897-98 Gill Olive Miss bookkeeper 870 Woodland National Computing Scale Co.
1897-98 Gill Paul S student 955 Prospect
1897-98 Gill Phillip mason 80 Brooker ave.
1897-98 Gill Robert silverplater 25 Cheshire
1897-98 Gill Robert E retired 136 Genesee Ave
1897-98 Gill Ruth Miss nurse 545 Wellington Ave
1897-98 Gill Sarah Miss 562 Ontario
1897-98 Gill Seth C tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1897-98 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1897-98 Gill Thomas W conductor 42 Merchant Ave
1897-98 Gill Thomas saloon 240 23rd ave
1897-98 Gill William C student 434 Kennard
1897-98 Gill William J shoemaker 432 Fleet 232 Broadway
1897-98 Gill William molder 240 23rd ave
1898-99 Gill Albert H druggist 80 Brooker ave.
1898-99 Gill Anna L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1898-99 Gill Ara E machinist 1194 Payne Ave
1898-99 Gill Austin Engineer 52 Hermann
1898-99 Gill Bessie Miss 572 St. Clair
1898-99 Gill Bridget domestic 16 Walnut
1898-99 Gill Charles Q 955 Prospect
1898-99 Gill Charles H sec. 955 Prospect The Sturtevant Lumber Co. 500 Senaca
1898-99 Gill Ellen laundress 16 Walnut
1898-99 Gill George W 1952 Axtell Martin & Gill 2318 Broadway
1898-99 Gill George Dr. 1982 Lorain
1898-99 Gill Henry H Miles Ave, Warrensville H. H. Gill & Co. flour & feed, 157
1898-99 Gill Isaac retired 469 Fleet
1898-99 Gill James J towerman 120 Lindus
1898-99 Gill James laborer 97 Pearl
1898-99 Gill James B clerk 160 Crawford Rd
1898-99 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1898-99 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1898-99 Gill John W salesman 955 Prospect
1898-99 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1898-99 Gill John T 221 The Cuyahoga Bldg John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1898-99 Gill John P mail carrier 415 Bolton Ave
1898-99 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1898-99 Gill John rigger 177 Washington
1898-99 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1898-99 Gill Joseph F clerk 52 Hermann
1898-99 Gill Joseph agent 88 Walnut
1898-99 Gill Josephine E Widow 955 Prospect husband Thomas E.
1898-99 Gill K. F 746 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1898-99 Gill Maggie miss domestic 2 Root
1898-99 Gill Mamie A Miss stenographer 52 Hermann
1898-99 Gill Martha A Miss dance teacher 811 Wilson Ave school at 947 Wilson Ave
1898-99 Gill Mary E bookkeeper 432 Fleet H. H. Gill & Co.
1898-99 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1898-99 Gill Mona E Miss dressmaker 80 Brooker ave.
1898-99 Gill Nannie Miss 1030 Cedar Ave
1898-99 Gill Nellie Widow Eleanora St. Glenville
1898-99 Gill Olive Miss bookkeeper 160 Crawford Rd National Computing Scale Co.
1898-99 Gill Paul S student 955 Prospect
1898-99 Gill Phillip mason 80 Brooker ave.
1898-99 Gill Robert silverplater 811 Wilson Ave
1898-99 Gill Robert E saloon 136 Genesee Ave saloon at 259 Erie
1898-99 Gill Seth C tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1898-99 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1898-99 Gill Thomas W conductor 42 Merchant Ave
1898-99 Gill Thomas saloon 240 23rd ave
1898-99 Gill William C student 434 Kennard
1898-99 Gill William J janitor 432 Fleet
1898-99 Gill William molder 240 23rd ave
1900-01 Gill Albert H student 80 Brooker Ave
1900-01 Gill Annie L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1900-01 Gill Charles Q sec. 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1900-01 Gill Charles H 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1900-01 Gill Charles H conductor 647 Quincy
1900-01 Gill Edward laborer 1239 Slater
1900-01 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 2599 Broadway
1900-01 Gill George laborer 74 Brunswick
1900-01 Gill Henrietta Miss stenographer 16 Walnut
1900-01 Gill Herman F real estate 750 Genesee Ave
1900-01 Gill Ida Miss clerk 227 Central Ave
1900-01 Gill James J switchman 516 Lake
1900-01 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1900-01 Gill James J laborer 271 Clinton
1900-01 Gill James W retired 422 Fleet
1900-01 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1900-01 Gill John I salesman 37 Mt. Union The Patterson-Sargent Co.
1900-01 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1900-01 Gill John T 403 Cuyahoga Bldg.
1900-01 Gill John P mail carrier 415 Bolton Ave
1900-01 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1900-01 Gill John laborer 177 Washington
1900-01 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1900-01 Gill John laborer 29 1/2 Beta Alley
1900-01 Gill Joseph F clerk 283 Clinton
1900-01 Gill Joseph R retired 88 Walnut
1900-01 Gill Justa H Miss stenographer 16 Walnut
1900-01 Gill K. F 750 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1900-01 Gill Katherine Miss 191 Van Ness Ave
1900-01 Gill Kittie M Miss bookkeeper 427 Miles Ave Newburgh John Gill & Sons
General Contractors
1900-01 Gill Mamie A Miss clerk 191 Van Ness Ave
1900-01 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1900-01 Gill May Miss 432 Fleet
1900-01 Gill May F Miss confectionary 227 Central Ave
1900-01 Gill Nannie Miss 1030 Cedar Ave
1900-01 Gill Nellie M Widow Eleanora St. Glenvill husband James
1900-01 Gill Paul S asst. manager 2623 Euclid Ave C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1900-01 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker ave.
1900-01 Gill Robert E restaurant 136 Genesee Ave
1900-01 Gill Ruth E Miss nurse 1000 Prospect
1900-01 Gill Samuel E packer 7 Wheeler, Newburgh
1900-01 Gill Seth C tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1900-01 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1900-01 Gill Thomas W conductor 227 Central Ave
1900-01 Gill Thomas saloon 27 Waverly Ave
1900-01 Gill Walter H clerk 80 Brooker Ave
1900-01 Gill William C Dr. 434 Kennard
1900-01 Gill William J inspector 432 Fleet
1900-01 Gill William molder 240 23rd ave
1901-02 Gill Albert H Dr. 80 Brooker Ave
1901-02 Gill Anna L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1901-02 Gill Anna 431 1/2 Erie
1901-02 Gill Austin laborer 449 Detroit
1901-02 Gill Celia cashier 191 Van Ness Ave
1901-02 Gill Charles Q manager 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1901-02 Gill Charles H conductor 23 Filbert
1901-02 Gill Charles H 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1901-02 Gill Frederick machinist 1421 Central
1901-02 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 2599 Broadway
1901-02 Gill James J target man 516 Lake
1901-02 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1901-02 Gill James J crane operator 271 Clinton
1901-02 Gill James W retired 422 Fleet
1901-02 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1901-02 Gill John I salesman 37 Mt. Union
1901-02 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1901-02 Gill John T 112 Bell Ave
1901-02 Gill John P mail carrier 7 Hulda, Glenville
1901-02 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1901-02 Gill John E finisher 83 Stanley Ave, Glenville
1901-02 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1901-02 Gill John W cigars 305 Huron store at 152 Prospect
1901-02 Gill Joseph F clerk 29 Woodbine
1901-02 Gill Joseph R retired 88 Walnut
1901-02 Gill Justa H stenographer 830 Superior
1901-02 Gill K. F 750 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1901-02 Gill Katherine T 191 Van Ness Ave
1901-02 Gill Mamie A stenographer 191 Van Ness Ave
1901-02 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1901-02 Gill May F clerk 126 Brownell
1901-02 Gill Paul S asst. manager 2623 Euclid Ave C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1901-02 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker ave.
1901-02 Gill Robert E 136 Genesee Ave "Drewett & Gill, 218 Superior Bldg."
1901-02 Gill Ruth E nurse 1000 Prospect
1901-02 Gill Seth C piano tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1901-02 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1901-02 Gill Thomas W fence builder 126 Brownell
1901-02 Gill Thomas saloon 27 Waverly Ave
1901-02 Gill Walter P clerk 80 Brooker Ave
1901-02 Gill William C Dr. 434 Kennard Lakeside Hospital
1901-02 Gill William J inspector 432 Fleet
1901-02 Gill William saloon 240 23rd ave
1902-03 Gill Albert H Dr. house physician 80 Brooker Ave City Hospital
1902-03 Gill Alma clerk 228 Erie
1902-03 Gill Andrew waiter 53 Chestnut
1902-03 Gill Annie L Miss dressmaker 116 Barrett
1902-03 Gill Ara E 71 Hough Pl The B. Dreher's Sons Co.
1902-03 Gill Celia G bookkeeper 191 Van Ness Ave
1902-03 Gill Charles Q manager 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1902-03 Gill Charles H 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1902-03 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 2599 Broadway
1902-03 Gill James J towerman 516 Lake
1902-03 Gill James 17 23rd Ave
1902-03 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1902-03 Gill James J molder 86 Birch
1902-03 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1902-03 Gill John I travel agent 37 Mt. Union
1902-03 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1902-03 Gill John T 112 Bell Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1902-03 Gill John P mail carrier 59 Vienna
1902-03 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1902-03 Gill John W cigars 228 Erie store at 152 Prospect
1902-03 Gill John laborer 240 23rd ave
1902-03 Gill John laborer 244 Washington
1902-03 Gill John G instructor 41 Mayfield Case School of Applied Science
1902-03 Gill John E varnisher 83 Stanley Ave, Glenville
1902-03 Gill Joseph F clerk 31 Woodbine
1902-03 Gill Joseph R retired 88 Walnut
1902-03 Gill Julia M Widow 70 Hough Pl Husband James G.
1902-03 Gill K. F 750 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1902-03 Gill Katherine T housekeeper 191 Van Ness Ave
1902-03 Gill Lawrence 516 Lake
1902-03 Gill Louise 268 Woodland Ave
1902-03 Gill Mamie A stenographer 191 Van Ness Ave
1902-03 Gill Mary Widow 116 Barrett husband James
1902-03 Gill Nannie 1030 Cedar Ave
1902-03 Gill Norman glazier 126 Brownell
1902-03 Gill Paul S superintendent 2623 Euclid Ave C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1902-03 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker ave.
1902-03 Gill Robert E insurance 20 E. Blvd, Glenville office at 345 Superior
1902-03 Gill Ruth E nurse 1123 Prospect
1902-03 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1902-03 Gill Thomas W saloon 126 Brownell saloon at 261 Central Ave
1902-03 Gill Thomas saloon 27 Waverly Ave
1902-03 Gill Walter P druggist 80 Brooker Ave
1902-03 Gill William J inspector 432 Fleet
1902-03 Gill William saloon 240 23rd ave
1902-03 Gill William student 70 Hough Pl
1902-03 Gill William A salesman 92 Bond
1903-04 Gill Albert H Dr. physician 80 Brooker Ave Central & Giddings Ave
1903-04 Gill Alma clerk 244 Erie
1903-04 Gill Anna L dressmaker 116 Barrett
1903-04 Gill Ara E aeolian dept 71 Hough Pl The B. Dreher's Sons Co.
1903-04 Gill Austin retired 195 Erie
1903-04 Gill Celia G bookkeeper 285 Van Ness Ave
1903-04 Gill Charles Q manager 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1903-04 Gill Charles H 2623 Euclid Ave The C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1903-04 Gill Edwin F fireman 32 Aaron
1903-04 Gill Frank M clerk 1838 Doan
1903-04 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 2599 Broadway
1903-04 Gill Harry C groom 645 Prospect
1903-04 Gill James J targetman 516 Lake
1903-04 Gill James laborer 17 23rd Ave
1903-04 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1903-04 Gill James J helper 86 Birch
1903-04 Gill John K 430 Kennard
1903-04 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1903-04 Gill John I comm. Traveler 37 Mt. Union
1903-04 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1903-04 Gill John T 112 Bell Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1903-04 Gill John P mail carrier 59 Vienna
1903-04 Gill John laborer 97 Pearl
1903-04 Gill John E finisher 83 Stanley Ave, Glenville
1903-04 Gill John G instructor 102 Adelbert Case School of Applied Science
1903-04 Gill John W cigars 228 Erie store at 152 Prospect
1903-04 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1903-04 Gill John laborer 33 Mulberry
1903-04 Gill Joseph F clerk 29 Woodbine
1903-04 Gill Joseph R retired 88 Walnut
1903-04 Gill Justa H stenographer 810 Franklin Ave
1903-04 Gill K. F 750 Genesee Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1903-04 Gill Lawrence brakeman 422 Hamilton
1903-04 Gill Louise deaconess 268 Woodland Ave
1903-04 Gill Mamie A stenographer 285 Van Ness Ave
1903-04 Gill Martin retired 516 Lake
1903-04 Gill Mary 584 Detroit
1903-04 Gill Nannie 1030 Cedar Ave
1903-04 Gill Norman glazier 126 Brownell
1903-04 Gill Paul S asst. manager 2623 Euclid Ave C. H. Gill Lumber Co.
1903-04 Gill Phillip bricklayer 80 Brooker ave.
1903-04 Gill Robert E insurance 20 E. Blvd, Glenville office at 345 Superior
1903-04 Gill Ruth E nurse 1123 Prospect
1903-04 Gill Sarah Widow 240 23rd ave husband John
1903-04 Gill Seth C piano tuner 398 Lincoln Ave
1903-04 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1903-04 Gill Thomas W motorman 126 Brownell
1903-04 Gill Thomas saloon 27 Waverly Ave
1903-04 Gill Walter P clerk 80 Brooker Ave
1903-04 Gill William J machine operator 432 Fleet
1903-04 Gill William saloon 240 23rd ave
1904-05 Gill Albert H Dr. physician 167 Brooker Ave 1330 Central Ave
1904-05 Gill Anna L dressmaker 116 Barrett
1904-05 Gill Anna Widow 92 Perry
1904-05 Gill Ara E aeolian dept 71 Hough Pl The B. Dreher's Sons Co.
1904-05 Gill Austin retired 136 Belden
1904-05 Gill Bartholomew retired Berkshire Rd., Cleve Hts.
1904-05 Gill Bridget 16 Walnut
1904-05 Gill Celia bookkeeper 285 Van Ness Ave
1904-05 Gill Charles Q manager 2623 Euclid Ave The Gill Lumber Co.
1904-05 Gill Charles H lumber 2623 Euclid Ave
1904-05 Gill Clement V bookkeeper 104 Huntington The Bowler & Burdick Co.
1904-05 Gill Donald L bookkeeper 1160 First Ave
1904-05 Gill Edwin F engineer 32 Aaron
1904-05 Gill Frank M clerk 1838 Doan
1904-05 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 2599 Broadway
1904-05 Gill Harry W clerk 81 Hower Ave E. Cleveland
1904-05 Gill James J targetman 516 Lake
1904-05 Gill James J engineer 168 Clinton
1904-05 Gill James J patrolman 172 Alanson
1904-05 Gill James J laborer 230 Waverly Ave
1904-05 Gill James helper 86 Birch
1904-05 Gill John K 430 Kennard
1904-05 Gill John C Dr. 434 Kennard
1904-05 Gill John I comm. traveler 29 Fay, E. Cleveland
1904-05 Gill John 1030 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1904-05 Gill John T 3091 Euclid Ave,E.Clev John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1904-05 Gill John P mail carrier 59 Vienna
1904-05 Gill John E finisher 83 Stanley Ave, Glenville
1904-05 Gill John G instructor 102 Adelbert Case School of Applied Science
1904-05 Gill John W cigars 228 Erie store at 152 Prospect
1904-05 Gill John retired 240 23rd ave
1904-05 Gill John laborer 33 Mulberry
1904-05 Gill John lunch counter 75 High
1904-05 Gill Joseph F clerk 29 Woodbine
1904-05 Gill Joseph R retired 88 Walnut
1904-05 Gill Justa H stenographer 810 Franklin Ave
1904-05 Gill K. F 154 Hampshire Rd.Euclid Hts John Gill & Sons General
1904-05 Gill Katherine T 285 Van Ness Ave
1904-05 Gill Leo pipefitter 1065 Lorain
1904-05 Gill Louise deaconess 76 Hicks
1904-05 Gill Mamie M stenographer 285 Van Ness Ave
1904-05 Gill Martin 281 Perry
1904-05 Gill Martin retired 516 Lake
1904-05 Gill Mary J Widow 70 Hough Pl husband George M.
1904-05 Gill Norman collr 1160 First Ave
1904-05 Gill Paul S asst. manager 2623 Euclid Ave The Gill Lumber Co.
1904-05 Gill Phillip bricklayer 167 Brooker Ave.
1904-05 Gill Robert E 20 E. Blvd, Glenville
1904-05 Gill Ruth E nurse 249 Sibley
1904-05 Gill Seth C piano tuner 690 Kinsman
1904-05 Gill Thomas J saloon 428 Detroit
1904-05 Gill Thomas W agt 1160 First Ave
1904-05 Gill Thomas saloon 27 Waverly Ave
1904-05 Gill Walter P splicer 167 Brooker Ave
1904-05 Gill William C Dr. 434 Kennard office at 275 Prospect
1904-05 Gill William J machine operator432 Fleet
1904-05 Gill William saloon 240 23rd ave
1908-09 Gill Albert H Dr. physician 2288 E. 73rd SE 7102 Central
1908-09 Gill Anna librarian 8625 Cedar Ave SE
1908-09 Gill Anna L 1330 W. 70th NW
1908-09 Gill Anna H Widow 10508 Superior Ave NE husband J B
1908-09 Gill Anna 1710 Prospect Ave SE
1908-09 Gill Austin 1623 E. 84th NE
1908-09 Gill Benjamin wks 7407 Euclid Ave
1908-09 Gill Celia bookkeeper 1623 E. 84th NE
1908-09 Gill Charles Q 5004 Euclid The Gill Lumber Co.
1908-09 Gill Elmer H Dr. 2288 E. 73rd SE
1908-09 Gill Elmer J inspector 391 Collamer, Collinwood
1908-09 Gill Eugene U lithographer 6603 Fir Ave NW
1908-09 Gill Frank B 10523 Fairmont Ct NE
1908-09 Gill George W 427 Miles Ave Newburgh Howells & Gill 8444 Broadway
1908-09 Gill George mason 1379 E. 45th NE
1908-09 Gill Grace L bookkeeper Hayden Ave nr Shaw,E. Cleve
1908-09 Gill Harley W draftsman 5718 Cedar Ave
1908-09 Gill Harriet wid 2365 E. 30th SE husband George M.
1908-09 Gill Harry W stockkeeper 88 Elberon Ave E.Cleveland
1908-09 Gill J. Kyle trainer 8625 Cedar Ave SE
1908-09 Gill James J watchman 1817 Lakeside NE
1908-09 Gill James laborer 1356 W. 58th NW
1908-09 Gill James B home theatre 10508 Superior Ave NE
1908-09 Gill James J patrolman 2340 E. 85th SE
1908-09 Gill James J engineer 4503 Clinton Ave NW
1908-09 Gill John C 8625 Cedar Ave SE
1908-09 Gill John I salesman 44 Mt. Union, E. Cleveland
1908-09 Gill John S floorman 44 Mt. Union, E. Cleveland
1908-09 Gill John T 13091 Euclid Ave, E. Cleveland John Gill & Sons General
1908-09 Gill John 7410 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1908-09 Gill John P mail carrier 2207 E. 87th SE
1908-09 Gill John laborer 1268 W. 25th NW
1908-09 Gill John E finisher 10634 Leuer Ave NE
1908-09 Gill John laborer 1288 Main Ave NW
1908-09 Gill John W 1712 E. 9th NE
1908-09 Gill John laborer 3015 Detroit Ave NW
1908-09 Gill Joseph R 1952 E. 59th NE
1908-09 Gill Joseph F foreman 2775 Scranton Rd SW
1908-09 Gill Kermode F 154 Hampshire Rd. Cleveland Hts John Gill & Sons General
1908-09 Gill Lawrence J brakeman 1438 E. 34th NE
1908-09 Gill Lillian clerk 1834 W. 52nd NW
1908-09 Gill Louise E deaconess 1904 Woodland Ave
1908-09 Gill Martin retired 1817 Lakeside NE
1908-09 Gill Mary M 1623 E. 84th NE
1908-09 Gill Mary J Widow 9342 Hough Ct NE husband George M.
1908-09 Gill Matilda A Widow 5004 Euclid Ave husband C. H.
1908-09 Gill Michael J clerk 1268 W. 25th NW
1908-09 Gill Ora Widow 3629 Cedar Ave SE husband George
1908-09 Gill Paul S 5004 Euclid Ave The Gill Lumber Co.
1908-09 Gill Peter machinist 5332 Homer Ave NE
1908-09 Gill Phillip bricklayer 2222 E. 78th SE
1908-09 Gill Pierre B clerk 1529 East Blvd NE
1908-09 Gill Robert E president 1529 East Blvd NE Gillsy Hotel Co. 1809 E. 9th
1908-09 Gill Ruth E nurse 3145 Carnegie Ave SE
1908-09 Gill Shirley clerk 1724 E. 19th NE
1908-09 Gill Thomas J saloon 3308 Detroit Ave NW
1908-09 Gill Thomas W Hayden Ave nr Shaw, E. Cleve
1908-09 Gill Thomas J watchman 2122 W. 62nd SW
1908-09 Gill Walter P splicer 2222 E. 78th SE
1908-09 Gill William C Dr. 8625 Cedar Ave SE office at 207 Osborn Bldg.
1908-09 Gill William J draftsman 7006 Fleet Ave SE
1908-09 Gill William electrician 2122 W. 62nd SW
1908-09 Gill William M saloon 5710 Tillman Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Albert H Dr. physician 2288 E. 73rd SE office at 2297 E. 71st SE
1910-11 Gill Anna L 1269 E. 101st NE husband J B
1910-11 Gill Anna M demonstrator 3624 Carnegie Ave
1910-11 Gill Austin 1455 E. 108th NE
1910-11 Gill Bridget cook 1710 Prospect Ave SE
1910-11 Gill Charles Q 5004 Euclid The Gill Lumber Co.
1910-11 Gill Ellen cook 1710 Prospect Ave SE
1910-11 Gill Ellsworth teamster 1808 E. 26th NE
1910-11 Gill Elmer J inspector 5328 Yorick Ave NE
1910-11 Gill Eugene U artist 1511 Lakewood Ave, Lakewood
1910-11 Gill George W 11105 Miles Ave SE Howells & Gill 8444 Broadway
1910-11 Gill George laborer 1118 E. 64th NE
1910-11 Gill George stonecutter 1505 E. 45th NE
1910-11 Gill James J towerman 1730 Lakeside Ave NE
1910-11 Gill James fireman 1356 W. 58th NW
1910-11 Gill James B electrician 1269 E. 101st NE
1910-11 Gill James J patrolman 2338 E. 85th SE
1910-11 Gill James E examining surgeon 3250 Euclid Ave U. S. Navy recruting
1910-11 Gill James J engineer 4503 Clinton Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Jennie R clerk 953 E. 147th NE
1910-11 Gill John C 8625 Cedar Ave SE
1910-11 Gill John I comm. Traveler 44 Mt. Union, E. Cleveland
1910-11 Gill John S machinist 44 Mt. Union, E. Cleveland
1910-11 Gill John T 13091 Euclid Ave, E. Cleveland John Gill & Sons General
1910-11 Gill John 7410 Cedar Ave John Gill & Sons General Contractors
1910-11 Gill John P mail carrier 2207 E. 87th SE
1910-11 Gill John laborer 1268 W. 25th NW
1910-11 Gill John W 1712 E. 9th NE
1910-11 Gill John laborer 3015 Detroit Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Katherine A confecty 4007 Bridge Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Kermode F Harcourt Dr., Cleve Hts John Gill & Sons General
1910-11 Gill Lawrence laborer 4007 Bridge Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Lida laundress 3709 Central Ave SE
1910-11 Gill Martin washer 1544 E. 71st NE
1910-11 Gill Mary M 1455 E. 108th NE
1910-11 Gill Mary Widow 965 E. 146th NE husband J. J.
1910-11 Gill Matilda A Widow 5004 Euclid Ave husband C. H.
1910-11 Gill Maud nurse City Hospital
1910-11 Gill Michael J clerk 1268 W. 25th NW
1910-11 Gill Michael painter 6947 Berwick Rd SE
1910-11 Gill Nellie Widow 12410 St. Clair Ave NE husband Jas
1910-11 Gill Paul S 5004 Euclid Ave The Gill Lumber Co.
1910-11 Gill Phillip bricklayer 2315 E. 76th SE
1910-11 Gill Ralph W stockman 3624 Carnegie Ave
1910-11 Gill Robert E president 1158 E. 98th NE Gillsy Hotel Co. 1809 E. 9th NE
1910-11 Gill Ruth E nurse 3145 Carnegie Ave SE
1910-11 Gill Shirley M bookkeeper 1468 Elmwood Ave, Lakewood East Ohio Gas Co.
1910-11 Gill Thomas J saloon 3308 Detroit Ave NW
1910-11 Gill Thomas W carpenter Hayden Ave nr Shaw, E. Cleve
1910-11 Gill Thomas 2122 W. 62nd SW
1910-11 Gill William C Dr. physician 8625 Cedar Ave SE office at 207 Osborn
1910-11 Gill William J draftsman 7006 Fleet Ave SE
1910-11 Gill William paperhanger 2122 W. 62nd SW
1910-11 Gill William elevator operator 2193 E. 14th SE
1910-11 Gill William M saloon 5710 Tillman Ave NW