Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #007, Id#: 0024335
Name: Berry, William J.
Date: Dec 4 1946
Notes: Berry: William J. Beloved husband of Nora (nee Moran); father of Sergt. Francis, U. S. A., and Katheleen; son of the late William and Margaret Berry of Newport, Ireland; brother of Mrs. P. Blassius of Illinols, Mrs. M. J. Chambers of Iowa, Onnie and Patrick, Mrs. Annie Harrison of Chicago, Michael of Ireland, Mrs. Kitty Cody of Yonkers, N. Y., the late Mrs. Rose O'Donnell, Martin, Bernard and James, Dec. 2, Friends may call at the Wm. F. Chambers' Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Funeral services Thursday, Dec. 5, St. Colman's Church, at 10 a. m.
Source: Plain Dealer; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #093, Id#: 0424977
Name: Berry, Nora A.
Date: Jan 25 1965
Notes: Berry. Nora A. Berry (nee Moran), beloved wife of the late William, mother of Francis J., Kathleen Brightwell, grandmother of William Brightwell, sister of Delia Ruddy, Elizabeth Hanley, Patrick, Peter of England, Mathias of Ireland, and the late Mary Wooden, Catherine McCafferty and John, Jan. 21, late residence, 9536 Laird Ave. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Solemn requiem mass Monday, Jan. 25, St. Colman's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #093, Id#: 0424915
Name: Berry, Francis J. (Leffy)
Date: Jul 21 1970
Notes: Berry. Francis J. Berry (Leffy), beloved son of the late William and Nora (nee Moran), brother of Kathleen Brightwell, and beloved uncle of William Brightwell, suddenly, July 19, late residence, 1445 Coutont Ave. Mass of The Resurrection Wednesday, July 22, SS. Philip and James Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. at Puritas, Tuesday 3-5 And 7-9 P.M.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #151, Id#: 0699700
Name: Ruddy, John J. (Jack)
Date: Dec 24 1958
Notes: Ruddy, John J. (Jack), beloved husband of Delia (nee Moran), father of John L., Betty Cleary, Marion Mooney, the late James P., grandfather and great-grandfather, brother of James, Mrs. John Travers of Ireland, the late Themas Niland and Sarah O'Malley, suddenly Dec. 21, late residence, 3123 W. 112 St. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Requiem mass Friday, Dec. 26, St. Ignatius Church at 10 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Member St. Ignatius Holy Name Society.
Source: Plain Dealer; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #151, Id#: 0699695
Name: Ruddy, Delia
Date: Jun 21 1973
Notes: Ruddy. Delia Ruddy (nee Moran), beloved wife of the late John J., mother of Betty Cleary, Marion Mooney, the late John, and James, grandmother and great - grandmother, sister of Elizabeth Hanley, Peter of England, the late John, Mary Wooden, Catherine McCafferty, Nora Berry and Patrick and Malthias. June 19. Funeral Mass Saturday, June 23, St. Ignatius Church at 10 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. At Puritas Thursday 7-9 P.M., Friday 3-5 And 7-9 P.M.
Source: Plain Dealer; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #070, Id#: 0304539
Name: Ruddy, Pvt. James P.
Date: Jul 31 1948
Notes: Ruddy, Pvt. James P., U. S. Army, killed in France September 17, 1944; beloved son of John and Delia (nee Moran); brother of John, Mrs. Betty Cleary, Mrs. Thomas Mooney. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Funeral services Saturday, July 31, at St. Ignatius' Church at 12 o'clock noon.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #070, Id#: 0304538
Name: Ruddy, Pvt. James P.
Date: Jun 1 1945
Notes: Ruddy, Pvt. James P., son of John and Delia Ruddy (nee Moran), killed Sept. 17, 1944, overseas; brother of Chief Petty Officer John in Guam, Mrs. Betty Cleary and Mrs. Marion Mooney. Memorial mass St. Ignatius' Church Sat., June 2, at 11 a. m.
Source: Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #091, Id#: 0807859
Name: Barszczewski, Stanley
Date: ?
Notes: Barszczewski (Barski). Stanley Barszczewski, age 84, beloved husband of Bertha, dear father of John Barski, Pauline Helen Pokorski, Frank, Josephine Bukowski, Genevieve McCaffrey, Stella Frye, Tony Barski, Edward and Irene, (both deceased), Ed Baker, Harry Szalkowski, Regina Dylinski, Irene Szalwinski, Agnes Kolinsky, Tony Baker, Florence Frye, Frank Baker, Theresa Savako, Ray Baker, Richard Baker, grandfather of 35, great-grandfather of 22, dear brother of Louis, passed away Thursday, Nov. 17. Hours Sunday 2-4 And 7-9 P.M. at Lehnert Funeral Home, Jefferson, O. Funeral Mass Monday, 10:30 a.m., at St. Joseph Calo? Catholic Church, Jefferson, O.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #131, Id#: 0613153
Name: McCafferty, Anthony (Sonny)
Date: Jan 14 1954
Notes: McCafferty, Anthony (Sonny), beloved son of Patrick and the late Bridget (nee McNamara) of Ireland, brother of Mrs. Thomas English of Cleveland. Bridget Ann Gleity, Michael and the late Patrick of Ireland, suddenly Jan. 11, late residence, 12812 Crossburn Ave. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Funeral services Friday, Jan. 15, Annunciation Church at 10 a. m.
Source: Plain Dealer; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #107, Id#: 0491149
Name: English, Mary Celia (Sis)
Date: Feb 20 1962
Notes: English. Mary Celia English (Sis) (nee McCafferty), beloved wife of Thomas (Sonny); mother of Patricia and the late Thomas, daughter of Patrick and the late Bridget (nee McNamara); sister of Michael, Ann Gietty, Bridget and the late Anthony and Patrick, all of Ireland, suddenly Feb. 16, late residence, 12812 Crossburn Ave. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Solemn requiem mass Tuesday, Feb. 20. Annunciation Church at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #107, Id#: 0491173
Name: English, Thomas P.
Date: Feb 22 1957
Notes: English, Thomas P., 11 years old, beloved son of Thomas and Celia (nee McCafferty), brother of Patricia, grandson of Catherine English and Patrick McCafferty, both of Ireland, suddenly, late residence, 12812 Crossburn. Friends may call at Wm. F. Chambers Funeral Home, 4420 Rocky River Dr. Requiem mass Saturday, Feb. 23. Annunciation Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #131, Id#: 0613152
Name: McCafferty, Anna
Date: Jul 8 1958
Notes: McCafferty, Anna (nee McGinty), 9514 Beacon Ave., dearly beloved wife of Anthony, mother of Mary Sweeney, Michael, the late Joseph, and grandmother, sister of John, Mary Masterson and Bridgett Kilcoyne of Ireland. Family will receive friends at the Louis Ferfolia Funeral Home, 9116 Union Ave. at E. 93rd St. Funeral Wednesday, 8:30 a. m. Services St. Catherine's Church, 9 a. m.
Source: Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #052, Id#: 0214268
Name: McCafferty, Anthony
Date: Feb. 19, 1927
Notes: McCafferty-Anthony, beloved son of Anthony and Anna (nee McGinty), brother of Mary and Michael, at his home, 9514 Beacon avenue. Funeral Monday. Services at St. Catherine's church at 9 a. m.